Saturday, July 07, 2007

Since the 4th

Let's be honest, nothing terribly interested has happened on/since the fourth--that's not a bad thing. This week has been quite a party week, which is terribly fun in a terribly unproductive way. Art was down for a couple of days, and it was good seeing him. I am really looking forward to going up to San Fransisco in a couple weeks. I was thinking of going somewhere this weekend, but blissful apathy got the better of me, and here I am.

For which I'm a little glad. Social reciprocation apparently works: I'm about to head off to a party at the house of a guy (Amir) who I know through school, but not socially until I invited him and his friends to a bonfire last week. Last night I went to party at Jessica's which I think had enough people from her dorm to classify as my first official "college party". Well, sort of anyways.

Meanwhile, I have rediscovered the bike as a mode of transportation. Huzzah!

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