Monday, October 22, 2007


Had my philosphy tutorial again just now with a different tutor because the regular one is off doing something or other, and I came to a realization. I don't hate the tutorial entirely because of the tutor; no, its the other student's fault too! So now, for my own sadistic pleasure, I'd like to try and draw a caracature of the other students:

1: "Hi, Oim American and I believe in Freedom! With a capital F! And enthusiasm! Besides, I look and sound like a cartoon animal!"

2: "Like, oh my god, I'm the only girl in this clath. I fulfill every thtereotype of American airhead that there is. Determinithm? Totally deep!"

3: "Hi. I talk slowly. Forgive me. I'm a theology major. I'd rather be talking about God. Really, I just took philosophy because I thought it was like theology. My mistake."

4: "I'm chronically bored. I know determinism is the answer, so why are we talking about it?"

5: "Hello! I'm just too posh to live. Daddy certainly has a lot of money. God philosophy is deep. I actually might be somewhat intelligent, but I'd really rather just be posh instead. Do you like my (entire) wardrobe of pink shirts and sweater vests?"

6: Me.

So that's that.

Little weekend update as well: Saturday I spent all day at a debate thing, Sunday I squandered luxuriously! The debates were between 4 teams consisting of an experienced debater paired with a new student--20 teams total, 4 debates. We debated 1. "Should Britain directly elect Prime Ministers?" 2. "Should dentists be forced to practice under the NHS?" 3. "Should we boycott the Bejing Olympics?" and 4. "Should Britain have manditory military service?" Aside from an always appreciated chance to argue and a bit of an activity, doing debating here has set me in good stead as far as current affairs and Brittish politics go, which is nice if I'm to be living here.

Ah well, off to my psychology lab.


Artdroid said...

I enjoyed the descriptions of the students. I particularly like #1. Whenever I go traveling, I'll be sitting in some restaurant in Canada or watching a performance in India or on a tour bus in Sweden; and some FREAK American will start lecturing about how they're from the land of FREEDOM and everything we do and have is so much better than anything you do or have here. And that you silly misguided, GODLESS HEATHENS will be so much happier when you become FREE just like us. Sometimes I think it's funny. Sometimes I'm just embarrassed. In a Canadian restaurant once, I must have looked so horrified that one of the nice couple sitting next to us leaned over and said, "Don't feel too bad; we know that not all Americans are like him."

Anonymous said...

the caricature of #6 is a bit of an understatement... could you satirize yourself a bit more in the future for our pleasures?

swallace said...

Yes, I want to know more about #6!