Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Last Friday was the Hall Ball, my first ball in St Andrews, which was a lot of fun. Not too much to report, mostly just mayhem, crowded dancing space, and giving free alcohol to people often ends interestingly by which I mean, a good percentage get kicked out for one reason or another. Fairly calm night for me, but enjoyable. Rehearsals continue, going pretty well, mostly walking through and cleaning everything up.

Great weekend--warm and really nice. Spent an afternoon out in front on the grass barefoot playing frisbee and drinking beer--college life, anyone? Working on essays, having good conversations. This semester feels a lot better (as of course it would), and I am regaining some of what Rez would call my "A" (confidence, basically). Last night went to a discussion about capitalism and environmentalism from a member of the Scottish Socialist Party, which was an interesting perspective that was far more "the system is flawed" than SD, which so far tends to just look at specific problems rather than a larger picture. I have been getting very little sleep and re-discovering tired Brian, who is a pretty cool guy and comes up with some off-the-wall stuff.

The robottle has a friend. This Saturday I was bored and had loads of boxes (from beer and post from home, mostly), so built a tower up to the ceiling with them and tape. Then Robbie was a genius, as usual, and we turned it into a (rather unconventional) bookshelf. At the very least, our antics keep the cleaners amused.

1 comment:

swallace said...

Too much sleep dampens the creativity, eh? Was that Picasso's secret?