Friday, August 22, 2008

Another update (again via the mom...)

Took a day off today and went snorkeling and walking in Cahuita National Forest with some other volunteers. Nothing groundbreaking, but good fun. Tomorrow night is another beach bonfire (provided it doesn't rain), and there's a waterfall I'm hoping to go with some local friends to on Sunday. Also hoping to do a zipline tour, since it seems like the 1 thing in Costa Rica that I haven't done. Stuff is going well, first sign done, just going over a little entrance sign and going to start on the other one. Have enough volunteers now (7 including me) to split them up for various jobs, from cleaning the education centre's walls to yardwork/gardening at the volunteer house to painting to working on a business plan for Judy and Louis to ignore :) . Borrowed a book from Judy on the founding of Costa Rica's national parks, which should be insanely boring but because its Latin America it's full of intrigue, yellow journalism, corrupt politics and machetes and so is pretty cool. A good Tican swear word to end the email on: "carapicha", literally translatable to "dick face"


Lisa said...

Thank you!!! Love you.

Paul Wallace said...

Sign painting and local swear words. You've come a long way this summer. Revisiting old haunts is never the same as before.