Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back on the town

Yes! Got the keys and found the house with no difficulty...it's not bad. All our stuff is strewn all over the living room, but it should be nice with some clean up. The fridge is VERY small and the freezer is a shelf, so we'll work on that. Also, still no internet as of yet, but it should be coming...in the meantime, I'm entering this from the library. ALSO my mobile's been deactivated (something about not being turned on in 4 months....hmmm) so I'm working on that. And need to stop in at the bank to figure out accounts and wire transfers and stuff. And buy a towel and maybe sheets/blankets. So, work cut out for me.

Fortunately, on the eating front, this week is Fresher's Week so there are loads of free food events so I think I'm sorted for now. I've got two lunches today and one tomorrow, so that's good. Also, Jim got a kilo of bananas and a kilo of carrots, not realizing how much that was. So, there's nutrition for this week!

Good seeing people again. It's frightning how little actually changes, on the surface at least. First impressions and all. Anyways, off to the bank/phone store/flat again to see if people are up and about.


tsonia said...

So, Brian! Why is it that no one is commenting on your blogs?? Is it because they're out of the habbit of reading them? Nudge everyone you know with an email or something and get them to come back to your site, read your new stuff, and tell you what they think!

Meanwhile, as a mom, I hope you're doing really well.

Lisa said...

I am reading the blogs, as infrequent as they have been!!!

Anonymous said...

I also am reading your blogs faithfully, but I haven't solved the problem of sending them!!! Robin and I leave Sunday for the Czech Republic.

tsonia said...

Obviously, I stand corrected!

Anonymous said...
