Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Done with essays until exams

Lots of stuff left to do. Catching up on reading, for one. Academic, and the Euripides and Borges I've gotten out of the library. (I've read two of the Borges short stories, one about the fabrication of a country and another about a country where people's lives are ruled by a systematized, enforced probability. They are odd snippets, somewhere between essay and story and metaphysical musing, but definite brain teasers). Figuring out what's up with subjects for next year, figuring out study abroad. Giving myself a crash-course in Asian history. Being in Macbeth and figuring out what I'm doing for 4:48 Psychosis ("co-directing", but what does that mean?). Watching TV online--Rez turned me on to DeathNote, an anime that's compelling if not good, and Pushing Daisies, which is slightly obsessed with how clever and quirky it is but clever and quirky non-the-less.

Have decided to use Twitter for self-observation, since I've got no friends who use it so it can't be a proper social networking site for me yet. Instead, I'll record how I feel every day just before I go off to lectures and then again when I get home in the evening. See if I spot any interesting trends. Very like me-get scientific about happiness and emotions in general. I was thinking today that I have succeeded in living fairly in-the-moment, but because of that it's hard to tell what sort of fluxuations are going on in my overall state on a day to day basis.

Second Life persists in crashing my computer, so I think my forray into internet theatre using free online games may be cut short. Am still thinking a lot about the internet and trying to re-define the role it plays in my life, which I think is important.

The Internet Classics Archive put up by MIT is really good. I've done all my Plato/Aristotle readings from it and just found Sun Tzu's The Art of War, which is something I've wanted to read for a while but never had in front of me. There goes that excuse.


swallace said...

My goodness, daily posts! Fun to read...

Anonymous said...

best to retreat from art of war until you have done battle!