Saturday, January 17, 2009

Exams: Over

Didn't go badly...better than I expected, to be honest, as questions succeeded in being vague and manipulate-able. Unless I've done really poorly or exceptionally well I'll have a 2:1 in both subjects (as I'm on the mid-upper end-but not on the borderline-of both from continuous assessment). I realize I get a bit silly with exams: in philosophy I talked about sceptics going around walking into walls (because they'd doubt they were there) and the SD question about climate managed to look like an instruction manual with the number of little diagrams I'd drawn, complete with before and after shots (what can I say, I had a full hour per question).

And now? Drinking and Fallout 3 in the short term. And starting to organize shows this year, co-directing Psychosis in the break, e-mailing professors and seeing if I can do a joint honours. Let the scheming commence!


tsonia said...

Good for you, sweetie. I'm glad it came together for you. Diagrams and all!

swallace said...

Hopefully those grading the exam will appreciate the creativity added to the answers! The Scottish grading system remains a bit of a mystery, however.

tsonia said...

Yes, I too must confess I have no idea what a 2:1 means...