Thursday, May 21, 2009


Had my first exam today, and it went really well. World Religions, quite general questions and absolutely confirmed to me that I can remember anything if I read it before bed and then just before the exam. I had dates, mo'fucka!

Had a few beers to celebrate (keep in mind--exam got out at 11.30) and lounged about for a while before going back home to study a bit for Sustainable Development tomorrow. Had enough of that, and went on a long aimless walk with Anne (a partner in procrastination), where we ended up at a university dump--fantastic! It was all piles of rubble, lines on eerie lines of microwaves, stoves, and fridges from halls, and old battered physics equipment (including a crate that said "lazer" on the side!). But the peak of it all was a skip filled with boxes of books--course requirements from other universities (before they had the internet!), PhD dissertations (so that's where they go...), and copies of New Scientist dating back to the early 80's, with some awesome Cold War stuff going on. Played in the books for a good hour before heading back, laughing elatedly in the street much to the unsettlement of passers by. Headed home for further revision.

Finished The Dharma Bums, which I enjoyed immensely (much more than On The Road) and which I swear helped with my Buddhism essay, for better or for worse. It made me really want to go camping, or at least walk on the fire trails around LA--'real' nature doesn't really exist here, its all manicured through the centuries of human interaction.

Home seems to be coming up fast and hard--this weekend is a party weekend, then another day to study and one last exam, and then I'm all done. I'll probably stay for a day or two afterward to soak up the people while I can and figure out where the hell I'm going to put my stuff, and then hop on the plane. I intend to make the most of these last few days, though.


swallace said...

Sounds like you found the "scrap heap of history" in your wanderings. But old dissertations hurt none the less.

Andrew said...

Where is the dump??

Brian said...

The dump is opposite the evil ship-shaped hall that is Melville.