Friday, February 26, 2010

Life-y stuff

I handed in my first essay of the semester today and I'm fairly happy with it. I'm really enjoying classes--a biology module on ecosystems that's nice and fact-y, and a history module on the history of human interaction with the environment and environmental thought, which so far has some really cool stuff on the history of thought as its influenced by evolving concepts of technology and science as well as the changing place of religion. Then there's the review essay, obviously, but I really haven't started research on that in a significant way...that's to come next week, I think.

I am involved in way too much, as usual. I'm a production of Shakespeare's Caesar going up on the ides of March which is fast approaching, as well as playing Prospero in The Tempest and being essentially the narrator in Antigone (all of the soldier/messenger parts condensed...essentially, everything that happens offstage is told by me in horrendous monologues), both going up in On the Rocks, the theatre festival here. And auditions still aren't over! I'm also directing my devised piece, which is coming along quite well. It's had a really interesting contingent of artists and writers interested in getting involved in creating original work, and I hope to continue those relationships after the show, as it has evolved into a mini-community in a really cool way.

Socially I'm just sort of finding my feet this semester, have only really started going out and having fun this last week, but that's been nice. I'm feeling like this semester will be a lot of reconnection, and I have the impulse back to go meet new people and do new, fun things...I do tend to get into a rut, as it is very easy to let theatre dominate my life and not have to interact much outside of that. I think we have flat stuff more-or-less sorted out for next year, have applied to a few places at least. I'm really excited to live with the friend's I'll be with, it should be a very strange and interesting flat. And I will be the only one who can even semi-cook, which is a frightening prospect!

Plans for the next week include, I think, writing out more of my play and figuring out the structure (the sentence is based on is "this is the story of a small girl pursued by a strange wind", I've been thinking a lot about both the creative process as a journey and actual journeys--I want to have a look at the Odyssey and Dante's Inferno) and going for massive amounts of coffee with people. And starting this review essay.

1 comment:

Aura Lee said...

My dear Brian, where do you find the time for all of this? You are a machine!

Glad studies are going well and I'm glad youre back blogging again, which is something I need to get on top of.

Hope to see you soon, keep blogging!