Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Funny, Life

So I have rehearsal every night this week, occasionally two at once, and my assessment starts being due at the end of the week. Feel relatively good about my "All environmental issues are political: discuss". I waffle on about Foucault which is great fun, but I still need to get examples and for examples I need to do more research. I wrote a serviceable introduction today for the essay on why geographers should read Times Square Red, Times Square Blue, a book about the gentrification of Times Square/how the author likes to suck homeless people off in porn theatres. I really disliked the author and writing style, but it was certainly the most unusal book I've been assigned here. The third essay, on AIDS, I've yet to start. It just feels too broad: we have a few pages of obvious, non-related statistics, and using them and outside research are meant to link poverty, prostitution, education, and orphanhood in the context of AIDS to sustainable development in Nigeria.

Rehearsals have been going *okay*. I am feeling really disillusioned with acting, as if it was some sort of training or skill-building that was incredibly relevant for my high school life but whose importance lessens with every year that goes by. I don't know if I want to audition for stuff next semester, but have a fear that if I don't I will be casting about aimlessly with ways to fill my non-academic time.

This all sounds terribly mopey, but it isn't really. I am enjoying this time, learning and just thinking a lot. Have started thinking about the future a wee bit, weird as that is. Want to do more with Spanish, I suppose as its one of the few practical real-world 'skills' that 14 years of education has given me. I realise that I think a lot about/in terms of the summer between first and second year in Costa Rica because of language development and manual labour. I'm interested in exploring the WWOOF-ing network, which is sort of like couchsurfing but is specifically for farms. The idea is that you join the site for a small fee (for a year), and then travel around approved farms wherever you like, doing work in exchange for a bed and food. If I want to be back in Scotland for the Fringe, WWOOF-ing around England/Spain could be a cool way to spend a month of summer. All just thoughts though.


swallace said...

WWOOF is a great concept, amazing what the web facilitates! Either Spain or Latin American would be fascinating from a small farm perspective, as long as they actually have you do something useful (unlike many of the "volunteers" you met in Costa Rica). Habitat for Humanity also has a good reputation and works all over the world.

Trudy said...

Carpe diem, Brian. But keep us informed.