Thursday, September 11, 2008

Right, let's try to start posting again...

For real. Got back from Costa Rica, spent the fastest 5 days ever in LA, and now am in Athens Greeceing it up.

Costa Rica was definitely up there in the "best 2 months of my life" rating, both for fun and learning, in an extremely non-academic sense. Living in a 3rd world country and interacting with the people there, even just for a couple months, was eye-opening. I'd describe it as "more basic" but not "more simple". That is, people had just as many worries, just as many conflicts, and a much more difficult life. BUT their worries were about real, life-altering issues, their conflicts took the backseat to what they needed to do, and less assurance of life meant both more respect for it and a different attitude toward risk. Overall, it opened my eyes to the pettiness of our worries and wants. And that's not even mentioning the sloths!

LA was just a quick re-connect, to discover that my computer, which I left in LA to keep it safe, had broken while I was gone (the monitor's out). Still waiting for the warranty number from Apple, then have to send it in to a UK office to get fixed. So no real computer for a little bit longer.

And Greece! Arrived tired, but the food is good, and walking around seeing stuff is cool. More impressions to come. A couple words (good morning-kalimera, and sorry-signome) I recognize from the video game Quest for Glory 5. Hooray for the intense educational experience that is computer games!

Reading "Kite Runner" for the first time, and finding it very emotionally powerful, though I'm unsure where it's going. Also going through "1984" again and writing down stuff to use in my adaptation when I get back to school. Which I'm looking forward to getting back to, incidentally.

And hopefully blogging will be come...consistant?