Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Done with academics

Handed in my last of 3 essays today...I've got a statistics test Friday but otherwise I'm done with academics until exams.

Now my show becomes priority number one--opening this Friday! Makeup and costumes coming in, got props and publicity, selling tickets like a rabid ferret (how does a rabid ferret sell tickets? that's for you to imagine!). It's going really well, though.

I've mainly been doing stuff and thinking about my essays--environmental ethics, St Andrews becoming carbon neutral, skepticism as far as arguments and knowledge go. But the balance of power has shifted oddly in my life, partly through meeting and hanging out with a broader crowd and being more comfortable, but I'm much closer to senior year where I had a confidence and ability to talk to anyone and an odd power whose origins I'm not sure of...some mix of my own confidence and other's perceptions. But it feels nice-odd, and I know I can't let it get to my head-but nice.


tsonia said...

Rabid ferret??? Rabid ferret??? My goodness.

Glad you've reached your stride, sweetie. That's a hugely important step. Congrats. And good luck with the show. Make sure someone tapes it so we can see it too!

swallace said...

Don't know about for you, but time time seems to have gone by quite fast. Did this year seems faster or slower than your senior year in HS?