Sunday, December 07, 2008

Life post-essay

Has actually been fairly boring. No immediate stresses means I sit online watching TV, or read my Borges. Have been some parties this weekend so that's picked up the social scene, at least. Christmas trees, mulled wine and mince pies! Apparently missed the off-book date for Macbeth (during 1984?) but everyone's had their scripts for rehearsal so I didn't worry it until this Friday when I went "wait, we open Tuesday...I probably need to know lines...or something?" So working on that.

Met with Harry about 4:48 Psychosis, the Sarah Kane play I'm co-directing with him after exams. It's interesting being sort of secondarily involved in a project, because I've got no pre-conceptions or firm image of what I'd like, so it's just a (fairly incoherent) stream of ideas in my mind at the moment. Kinda reminds me of what I did with Cheolseung...I'd quite like the main character to be a paper mache figure. We'll work on that.

Have been doing Epicurean Philosophy this last week. They enticed us in with Hedonism and then put all sorts of restrictions and limits on it. I don't want to live in a garden on a diet of crackers. Go away Epicures. Next week is the skeptics.

A linguistic note: the words "paw" (as in a cat's paw), pour (a liquid), and poor (like a hobo). Americans pronounce them "pah", "por" and "poor". Scots pronounce them "poh", "poo-ar" and "poo-er". English people pronounce them exactly the same: "poa", "poa" and "poa". At the Hamilton Ave house, this is much noted and discussed.


swallace said...

Today (Sunday) we are getting a tree and getting the house into holiday spirit. No mince pie, tho. Weather is finally starting to feel like "winter" (highs in mid-60s and overcast). Still almost no rain. Water is the next geopolitical conflict on the scale of oil. How does that fit into an SD analysis?

Anonymous said...

the brits are such twits!