Sunday, February 22, 2009


Busy life. So, where did we leave off last time?

Classes: Introduction to World Religions (with a prof from Chile!), Modern Philosophy (load of Cartesian bleh so far), and SD: Social and Economic Aspects (some decent stuff and more of the same--have to do a social audit of a company that at least operates in the UK--any suggestions?).

Plays: Auditioned and cast the_trojan_queen, a take on Euripedes' Hecuba I'm directing going up in April. Last night (!) finished Titus Andronicus (played the Roman emperor Saturninus, as an overgrown kid) which was good to finish up, as we've been in rehearsals all semester. Week before that finished 4.48 Psychosis, which I co-directed and rehearsed in the two weeks after exams. Have been cast in and had a few rehearsals for Godspell--get some singing in, and it's with good people.

Had my (American) debit card stolen and used to buy loads of stuff, so cancelled that and getting money back. Had taken money out shortly before it was stolen and only ran out yesterday, which was when I discovered my (Scottish) bank card, which I haven't used in a while, is inactive. Bank closes early on Saturday--closed on Sunday--so I've got to go in and give myself purchasing power this Monday. Laptop also conveniently broke down (same bloody screen issue) so that's got to go into Glasgow at some point...A pain because everything I need to read is online so I can't be bothered buying books--need to just print stuff out.

On the upside, sort of stumbled my way into a relationship, so that's fun. Also have been a bit involved in the occupation of one of the old Uni buildings to demand that the university make some concessions around Gaza, mainly (for me) stopping buying water from a subsidiary of a company that takes water from the Golan Heights, and accepting research money (and direction) from arms manufacturers. Nice way to meet hippies, some cool people.

Have been watching nothing, listening to nothing, and reading very little. Life should be a lot freer now Titus is done, so hopefully I'll be living more like a real person instead of shunting back and forth between my aforementioned activities and woes.


swallace said...

Glad to see you are still kicking. Want to learn something? Do an audit of CocaCola! Or, for an easy one, do a local company, like "Tennis for Anyone" :-)

Good luck getting all your bank and computer hassles sorted out.

Lisa said...

"Sort of stumbled into a relationship"... Wow! Is it like casual sex, or more?!?!

Yes, I do mean to pry, but also know you probably won't tell, and I am prepared for that.