Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sustainable Development=underwater basket weaving

Just got back from a fieldtrip. What sort of fieldtrip, you ask? The basket weaving kind! No joke. Went to a transition town called Findhorn some 30 minutes away to learn about the many(?) uses of willow--plant it to purify sewage, burn it as biomass, or....weave...baskets. Or, as we did, platters! Little willow plates that look like highly flammable skillets. But it was lovely and sunny, so why am I complaining? If nothing else, it was a good community-building exercise, as it broke the monotony of lectures and actually got people engaging with each other to stave off boredom. So that's fun!

Busy day, actually, started with work (ambassadoring) at 10, fieldtrip at 1, and I'm just eating before heading to a rehearsal for Godspell that I believe is supposed to run until ten. Also have a couchsurfer coming from New York who should be in around that time, so it's non-stop go.

Hecuba went well! By Monday had all tech glitches sorted out. We could have used another day of rehearsal before opening and I wish we hadn't been dealing with crises so that I could have made more of an effort with publicity, but I'm not about to complain about medium-sized audiences for really out-there experimental theatre like this. Got good feedback from those that did see it, though, and we've got a review in the paper coming up, that should be cool.

Alright, I've finished dinner and must run to Godspell. More updates in the works!

1 comment:

swallace said...

Sounds like Hecuba was a good experience. Did Skype hold up? Did it add to the performance other than offering a cool technology?

A basket weaving assignment, humm. Actually, I don't know why basket weaving has such a bad rap. It can be a very complicated art form (not to mention practical, which is its origins!).