Saturday, April 04, 2009

one week off

One to go. It's been a good week? It's been a week. Nothing special, nothing much at all, really. When I get back into the thick of things I know I'll be grateful for it. There's really not much time left at St Andrews--April, May--then home. It's a bizarre feeling. I'm looking forward to getting stuff done, though not necessarily to all the hours of reading I've got for the essays due when I get back. Been watching lots of films ranging from the sublime (Harold and Maude) to dumbfoundingly bad to so-bad-its-good (Mad Max 2!). Reading a tidy bit, going to the gym, going to the dump to get electronic parts for my show...


swallace said...

Just back from camping in Death Valley, which was our spring break. Pics will be up on Facebook soon.

Lisa said...

Harold and Maude is one of my favs!