Sunday, March 07, 2010

weekend exploits

This weekend has been fun--moderately studious (lots of reading, but, lets not go overboard, still haven't started my essay) and generally relaxed but focused. Today a few of us got together to run scenes from Caesar, which opens next weekend and for which I am, alas, woefully unprepared, and then I spent the afternoon with a couple friends on a spontaneous jaunt to Anstruther to get fish and chips (they have a 'world famous' chippy there, though, let's be honest, it's hard to get fried fish too terribly wrong). This morning (at the absurd hour of seven in the am) I finished filming for the short film I'm in, which consisted in scenes of me stuffing bodies into a dumpster and the boot/trunk of a times. As I mentioned, I have yet to start on my "was Thoreau a deep ecologist?" essay, though I've been reading a massive biography of him from the 1930s that I'm finding surprisingly readable and engrossing. The more I read of nonfiction the more fiction seems to pale--ever so slightly-by comparison. Life ends up being stranger than fiction, and the nuances of real events and people end up as disjointed but oddly harmonious as the best Murakami. [The previous sentence was pretentious drivel.] I am excited for my own show's rehearsal tonight, as I have the first bit of a script to work with for the first time, which will hopefully not end disastrously. My efforts to be studious and reclusive and boring have, so far, met with abysmal failure. I'm going to have to work harder at it if I plan to get anything done, ever.

1 comment:

swallace said...

There was a segment on NPR Friday about life imitating art (well, TV actually, which is a far cry from art). They noted that a number of the episodes from West Wing (which ran from 1999-2006 showing a fictional Democratic administration) are playing out today in the real White House! As it turns out, we just started watching West Wing via Netflix, so I guess we'll see what we have to look forward to in the Obama administrtation.