Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nice slow weekend

The main thing is all the Doctor in Spite of Himself stuff...its really cool how people respond to me as a college student, I wish I'd taken more advantage of the youth factor in High School. I found a French professor here who specializes in Classical French theatre, e-mailed him, and am meeting with him this week about the show. I found a version of the script by an actor/writer/translator/professor in the States online, and e-mailed him about it. We've been trading e-mails a bit, and he's sent me a copy of his full script, forwarded my e-mail to a company Scotland that performed his version a couple years ago, and referred me to youtube videos of the performance. Ask and ye shall receive. I need to ask away while I can!

Other than that...going out at night, bit of reading during the day. One of my future housemates is really into going to the gym, and I thought, "what the hell, I don't have nearly enough time commitments" and I've started to go with him. Weird, yeah? Not sure how I feel about it yet, we'll see.

Missing people back home. Don't have that much contact with anyone. Anyways, off to the library to catch up on some Sustainable Development reading.


tsonia said...

The youth card is a great one to play, but in my experience, even old farts can ask for things and people will try to help them out. Nice that you're getting such good results. Positive reinforcement. Love you, sweetie.

swallace said...

Never hurts to ask, and it sounds like you hit gold with the guy who translated the script. And the internet has made it much easier to find and contact people.

Dan Nannini said that Rachel was talking about visiting you on spring break, until she looked up the airfares. Now she plans to volunteer in Florida with Habitat for Humanity instead. Do your high school friends ever email, or do they assume you'll "communicate" via facebook?