Friday, February 15, 2008

Nothing too much, but...

I went in and met with Izzy, the president of Mermaids today to talk about "The Doctor in Spite of Himself". And I have a show. And a producer! Sweet. She wants to produce something and, as a fourth year, to pass what she knows on to a fresher, so...! I thought this was going to be an uphill battle and I'd have to do all the production stuff myself, but instead I've got someone who can just say "when do you want the show to go up?", enter it into the computer, and make it so. Late April, incidentally. Auditions late next week. I'm stoked.

Sustainable Development and Psychology today. Both are going to be challenging at least for this first bit as they focus on fairly hard science aspects, but it should be all the more rewarding as a result.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Bri. Enjoy!

swallace said...

Sweet, sounds like everything is falling right into place. See if you can arrange for one of your minions to tape the show when it goes up.

Anonymous said...
