Friday, February 29, 2008

Okay, mood swings, much?

Right, so now I feel really happy. Go figure. Yesterday I was moderately depressed. Maybe tomorrow I'll chop off my ear and mail it to a girl!

1. Sent off my application for a travel scholarship. Results to come in April.

2. E-mailed my favorite professors asking if they wanted volunteers, per dad's suggestion.

3. Had my "optional workshop" for my show. 2 people turned up, but I managed to speak about Comedia dell Arte for 30 minutes without making an arse of myself, and did some Actor's Gang workshop stuff with them. At the end they seemed enthused, which made me feel good--like I will be able to direct this show and to convey what I want about the style to get it working. More auditions Wednesday and then we get into it for real.

4. About to head off to oversee a high school debates final in Lower Parliament Hall (here), for which I get free dinner and alcohol at a nice hotel. Hurrah!

1 comment:

swallace said...

Will work for food & ale, eh?

Hope one of your professors is at the point in a project where they could use a hand (attached to a brain)!