Thursday, January 17, 2008

The holiday continues...

Stayed up all night last night-because I could. Playing World of Warcraft, arguing with the two guys who stayed up with me about social policy (mostly immigration). Both fun guys, one ultra-conservative (as much as you can get in Britain-"close borders" kinda guy) and the other who, interestingly, is both religiously Christian and a semi-closet hippie (he doesn't act the part, but his views align and his goal after uni is to go live in a commune). Very college-like. Fun.

So, stayed up till breakfast, went back to sleep, woke up at noon, finished "On the Road", took a shower, went to lunch. Now sitting in the kitchen, as always, still looking for flats. I want to semi-review "On the Road", but I'm not sure I can. It was more a collage than a story, really evocative and fun but hard as hell to read because of the sentence structure. Not much more to say, really. I'm a bit tired to be honest.

1 comment:

tsonia said...

Glad you're having some college-like experiences at college, Brian!