Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why does nothing happen after activity bursts?

Yesterday morning had my Psych final (about what I expected...this is really the one I've been negligent about studying for, and while I'm fairly sure I passed, we will see if I got my ass handed to me and to what degree). Learning experience, yeah?

Since then...not much. Played World of Warcraft. Still reading "On the Road"...slowly...Got some movies out this morning. Talked about flats for next year with peoples. Went out last night, which was fun. I really want to write, but...it's not as if I don't have anything to say, its just that the setting, MY setting, seems not-right. LA is an easy place to write in-big and broad and dirty, but new and empty enough to be a blank slate. Here, I get lost in the history and the details (and in, duh, college life)...everything from how early it gets dark to the space of my room. Of course, here I am, writing about it. I just need to do a different sort of writing. I did for my show. But I need to learn what that is...

Any advice on flat (apartment) hunting? Parental units--they seem to range from £75-£100 a week/person, with 10/11/12 month loans, depending. Talk to me about cost. I know £100's getting a little pricy.


Artdroid said...

I'm not sure about costs. 100 punds is about 200$ per seek. That's about $800 plus a month. Seems a bit high. But I don't know what you get for it. Does it include food service?

Flatmate picking is even more impportant than cost. Your college friends have a nasty habit of becoming your lifelong friends. So - be careful! God knows just who you might get stuck with!.....:-)

swallace said...

So you're done? Talked with Shawn about dates for Cairo yet? If you're around this weekend we can Skype and talk flats. There should be plenty of time, no?