Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grey sky

Revision for the first few weeks of Sustainable Development. Sitting next to the window reading Kerouac's "The Dharma Bums" and drinking tea. Counting that as revision, since "Dharma Bums" at least mentions Buddhism....It's nice actually, as Kerouac I feel like really talks about enjoying life and being dissatisfied with it at the same time. I don't think I really got it last year when I read "On the Road", but certainly feel like I do more now.

Bought a mango and realised today that I need to eat it before it goes off. Cut it up, but that just made it more evident how much there was. I had some canned peaches and mixed them, with a sort of smoothie in mind, but we don't have a blender...then hit on the idea of cobbler. Put it all in a pan with some rasins and cinnamon. But wait, cobbler requires pastry...made some french toast, cut it up, and put it in. Not bad! Way more than I could eat, still...

Have thought lately a lot about how I miss interacting with people who aren't in the 18-28 age range. I think there is an implicit value in interacting with people who have been through what you are going through and figured life out a bit more, or can at least show you the options going forward. I think I've been incredibly lucky through my life in interacting with people from all sorts of generations, and that alone may be reason enough to look for a job in addition to school next year. The best cure for existential angst may just be someone a bit older saying, "yeah, get over it", by example if not in words.

My shoes have broken and I'm cycling between steel-toed boots, nice shoes, and slippers. I have a few zombie films to watch. But I am a bit bored.


tsonia said...

So get over it, sweetie!
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

swallace said...

I know a couple UCLA students who got involved with social clubs that were dominated by retirees... one joined a chapter of the Plato Society that was mostly retired faculty, I think as an honorary member, and enjoyed it. Another joined a lawn bowling group. Must have been interesting talk because I can't see much interesting in the game!