Monday, May 25, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Have had a highly entertaining weekend. Saturday we had a Diplomacy (boardgame) party, with an interesting mix of theatre and annexe friends, ending in a Russian (me)/Turkish biumverate ruling Europe following English and Italian surrender in 1907. Great fun, and especially worthwhile for talking to people I respect artistically: an actor from 1984/Psychosis who brought up the idea of trying to adapt a graphic novel for the stage ages ago and who I'm trying to convince to go through with it, and an actress from Hecuba who is a brilliant writer that I'm offering to work with doing illustrations for a comic of our own. Should be meeting with both of them today!

This was followed by going to our house to film a video for Harry (co-director from Psychosis) on my computer for an ARG (alternative reality game) he's involved in about online dating...for robots. You can check out MustLoveRobots or RobotFriendFinder if you're *really* interested--they're mildly amusing.

The next day (Sunday), I golfed in St Andrews for the first time! Well, mini-golfed. Had an extremely random invitation from a 4th year who is trying to do everything in St Andrews she hasn't done before she leaves, and so four of us went and had a few drinks and went out in the sun to piss about with golf clubs and be insulted by middle-aged Americans and their children whose education in the One True Path Of Golf we were doubtless obstructing laughing, hitting multiple balls/hitting balls between our legs/aiming for the wrong flags, and generally not acting as if Golf was an accurate measure of our self-worth and possibility for success later in life. It was great fun. Went back to study and then to a dinner party with some of the same group and their friends. Again, a good time, complete with after-dinner charades and guitar hero.

Today is a buckle-down-and-study day, in anticipation of being done with exams for another 7 months or so following tomorrow. I have been delaying revising Kant, so that'll be like pulling teeth.

As for the change in blog layout--I highly recommend it. Very effective procrastination tool!

1 comment:

swallace said...

What, you were not awed and respectful of the history of goof, I mean golf, that traces its roots to the very links you were on at St. Andrews? Why, that is as sacrilegious as an unthinkable parody like, like, like... fetuses on martini skewers. What would your parents think?