Saturday, July 18, 2009


How can I possibly update on everything? Staying with a very cool couchsurfer--had my first ride on a motorcycle (gulp- Korean drivers), watched a couple plays in Korean (one a very physical traditional-Korean-theatre-inspired adaptation of Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream that was good fun if not intellectually stimulating), a drum circle (couchsurfers are hippies! there is nothing more to say.), Korean library (with its own restaurant, vending machines, and a charity shop inside!), Korean sauna (a bizarrely intellectual exercise...made me think a lot about Western cultural norms around nudity, ritual, homophobia, cleanliness, and childhood [parents accompany young children, but only to make sure they're scrubbing hard enough!]). Have just had a far-too-large dinner at Cheolseung's house and am recovering slowly.

1 comment:

swallace said...

Thanks for the update! Too bad we didn't try the public baths in Japan so you'd have a point of comparison. They sound similar tho. Nothing like a good cross cultural experience to jog your thinking about your own culture.