Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The last days

These past two days have been incredible. I will regret forgetting them.

It is one thing to know that you have friends in an abstract sense. It is another to leave and see it realized. Sunday was a great going-away party thrown by Mette with my parents, Grandma Peggy, and William. Yesterday I went up to the school with Rez and saw my favorite teachers and various students. We went for lunch with Cheolseung, and then Brittni (who I have always known was an incredible liar) tricked me to a surprise party (She is shamelessly straightfaced. She told me we were going to a Ja-Booty-en restaurant with Kathy. And I believed her). Brittni, Kathy, Rez, Holly, Clare, Libby, and Deepika were there. Kathy and Brittni had made me four pages of pictures around the letters of my initials (BASW, one page per letter, as many words as they could think of for each letter illustrated. My favorite? Stereotype illustrated.) I went home and had my Mom's spaghetti with my parents and William, who had a great coat he gave me (greatly relieving my Mom and, therefore, me). From there I went roofing with Rez (climbing around on roofs....try it sometime!), went to Cheolseung's house where he gave me a couple books he's been talking about and a letter, and from there to Robbie's, where we watched a movie and he gave me a copy of a videogame--not sentimental seeming at first glance, but I know that it is one of the most important things to him, a major part of his life.

Today I spent the morning packing, and the afternoon seeing Rez, Cheolseung, Clare and crew for a last time. And now we are waiting for the cab...


Unknown said...

I'm really gonna miss you Brian. Hope the plane flight was safe. I'll see you online, in the mean time!

clare said...

B.S.W. - or B.A.S.W., as i gather from your blog (i learned something new today!). i called your cell knowing that it probably doesnt work in the UK, and now im clogging up your blog space with the demand that you contact me somehow. give me your new number, or something. i love and miss you greatly.


Brian said...

I love you both! I don't have a cell in the UK yet and only limited (read: I have to pay-per-hour) internet access for this week...but as soon as I get new contact info I'll let you guys know!

clare said...

haha! you're already a struggling college student, paying an hourly fare for the comforts you took for granted at home. thats cool. i dig that.

cant wait to hear from you!