Monday, September 10, 2007

Two days left (one full one!)

Woke up absurdly early. 6:45. Okay, 7:00. Went to Ms. Wisdom-Teeth-Puller, who said everything looked honkey dorey and ta-ta. That last sentence was a bit on the odd side. Came home, played brain-killing video games, threw more stuff in the respective piles in my bedroom/bathroom, went to lunch with my mom at Virginia Lee's house. Good people--she and her husband make me somehow look forward to old age. They are so involved, so active, so intellectual, so kind. We'd closed a couple bank accounts and ran by to consolidate them afterward. Mom dropped me off at Clare's, where we made cookie cake (literally, baked a cake with chocolate chip cookie dough in it....delicious, if underdone). We headed for the school for her to do the Academy auditions, and ran into Ms. Michel and Lissa, who I chatted with before Rez came out and I snagged a ride home with him. Ate dinner and, with a 'lil help from the parental units, ACTUALLY PACKED (Huge hold-ups at the UN....apparently, most world leaders have dropped dead of shock. One senior aide was reported to have said, "This is a moment we never thought to see in our lifetimes! World peace seems suddenly inconsequential!"). Now I'm headed off to see Chris Narrie and hopefully watch "300" with Robbie. If "300" is not all I remember it being and more, there will be tears. There will be agony.

And apparently I'm in light-ish spirits. There is humor! There is mayhem! This is more the pace of life I've grown accustomed to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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