Sunday, September 09, 2007


These last couple days I've gotten out of being bored/mopey by now frantically rushing to see all the people I put off for a couple of weeks. Yesterday Lisa was down and we all went out to lunch (Dim Sum). We came home and I went and got ice cream with Clare, then headed over to my last voice lesson (well, not EVER), and from there to Cheolseung's for dinner (Korean food--squid, raddish, kimchi, and boiled cabbage, mushroom, beansprouts and meat), and from THERE to USC where I spent the night with Jessica, Andrea, and Alex. This morning I ate with Jessica, Andrea, and Emily, then came home in time to go to a grown-up goodbye party with Mette, William, my parents, and Grandma Peggy (delicious, thank you Mette if you're reading). Ahhhhhh the goodbyes are just beggining....and almost over.

I'm back to just excited. Which is a good place to be.

But, given the way my of-so-predictable mood-swings work, now that ive been mopey for two weeks I'll be ecstatic for two more and then back to mopey just in time for move in! Are the four week up/down cycles (two weeks each) that I noticed at the beginning of last year and now possibly again this year really biologically in there, or is it just the coincidence of what's going on? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Artdroid said...

Don't start thinking of yourself as bipolar just yet.....give it a few years!