Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bad Day

Today has been my worst day so far. We had a bit of a party last night in our room, and this morning my keys, which had been on my bedside table, were gone. My chapstick was knocked under the bed, but the keys are nowhere to be found. I'm hopeful that someone picked them up by mistake and will return them--but probably not. So thats a headache.

Then, being the utter genius that I am, I figured that, until I get replacement keys, I could just prop the window to my room open a tiny bit, open it from the outside, and crawl in that way. While rigging the thing I put it up as high as it would go and discovered, to the vast amusement of my hand, that it doesn't lock in place at the top. Fwoosh.

One thumb later (it's still swolen, but entirely usable now), I headed off for my tutorials today.

Make that yesterday.

Somehow, I had imprinted firmly in my mind that my Monday tutorials were on Tuesday. I had it written down correctly in my planner, but even in the e-mail with work I sent my tutor last Friday I said "see you Tuesday!" I've e-mailed both tutors and, since tutorials happen through the week, I can attend another one, but that's not to say I didn't completely panic.

So this afternoon, which I thought I would spend in tutorials, I've spent icing my hand and reading "The Remains of the Day," a novel required for IR about a godawful horrible English butler whose life is slightly more interesting than bread mold on buttered toast, but has a worse aftertaste.

Dinner will hopefully be a non-disaster, and I can succeed in going to the one of a few talks on tonight and the philosophy society meeting without a one ton anvil falling from the sky onto my head, I will have reason to be thankful.

UPDATE: Alisdair took my keys! Thought they were his until he tried to open his room door. Caught. So I've got those back. And no anvils as of yet.


Anonymous said...

a 1-ton anvil? I thought it was a 16-ton weight that was in vogue! (nudge, nudge, wink wink)

Anonymous said...

"The Remains of the Day" is one of my favorite movies. Sir Antony Hopkins plays the butler, and he is so good! Emma Thompson is the object of his desire (even a repressed celibate would have trouble keeping his hands to himself) and.... well, I shalln't ruin the story for you.

swallace said...

sounds like you are training to be an absent-minded academic to me...

Artdroid said...

What are the other students in the Philosophy Society like? Is it like Masterpiece Theatre? Are they interesting or Boors or inbetween? Do you get tea?