Tuesday, October 23, 2007


God holding rehearsals is exhausting. Directors must have them at night usually so that they can go home and sleep. Cheolseung....how? That is all.

Today wasn't bad. Missing one person, just played improv games for an hour--about the right length of time, although it could've been 30 minutes longer. Started with group stories (each person contributes a sentence, then a version where each person can only contribute one word). Then did debates (2 people, each given arbitrary opposing positions--baldness and hair--argue in short speeches the merits of their position). Then zip zap zop and soundball to get energy up a bit. Then a few basic improv games...Freeze Tag (short 2 person scenes, players can freeze the actors and take their places to start a new scene at any time), Taxi (a taxi picks up various characters and everyone in the taxi has to become that character--usually boils down to stereotypes, and its really interesting seeing what the stereotypes here are), Dubbing (two actors pantomime a scene, two others provide the words), and Panel of Experts (another character one, this time in the format of a TV show). Some interesting results but nothing too great...next rehearsal I think I'll return to Cheolseung style, and go back and forth between rehearsals...might even try to do a bit of both in one. We'll see.

Nothing too exciting today. Philosophy and IR lectures. Writing an essay on personal identity. Etc.


cheolseung said...

again, theater can't be a business and there are lots of reasons. director's job is very one of them, i think. i will talk to you later about my viewing experiences that i have these days.
let them be exhausted by your directing, not by their director.

tsonia said...

Interesting distinction you draw, Cheolseung, between being exhausted by the process or by the individual "in charge." There are probably a lot of situations in life where people would do well to remember that distinction, especially the person "in charge." I can think of several from my work experience!