Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The week in summary

Is not terribly epic, but it's been good.

I just got back from lunch--potato, haggis, and baked beans. Yup.

I've mainly just been working on my essays/work...went out last night to the union and the beach. William, I have updated my personal info on Facebook so that in the categoy for "Religion:" it says "nuke gay baby whales for jesus". You are my God. Dammit, now I have to update it again. Would I be a Williamist or a Williaman?

Tonight's Halloween. What will I be up to? I honestly haven't a clue.

Thats all for now.

UPDATE: Just had rehearsal. Interesting. I'm getting a couple of things evolving. It will probably be a family piece, where there are two major events which loom over the family. First of all, the invalid father upstairs. Second, what has happened to one of the daughters. I'm writing out scenes now to see how they work, feeding them to the actors during rehearsals.


swallace said...

Good to see you have all the food groups... grease, starch, grease, and offal. Just what is needed to pretect against the cold... if you smear it on your body, that is.

Anonymous said...

brydawg, the last time someone called me god was in 1985 during my summer of love, but more on that story later... as a past pagan, I must inform you that Hallowed Eves is the most holy of holidays, when the year starts to die, hence a good day (or night) to dwell deep within and search your demons. So, you see how this day has evolved to become too stupid to live?

tsonia said...

Your father compels me to respond. Offal???? Only you would go there, Wall.

However, I do like the thought of you starting a new religion. Why the heck not? But William? Honestly. (Not that I don't love you, William....)

So let me know what you want me to start cooking for your trip home at Christmas. Seems like anything I serve will probably be wonderful.

I like those odds.