Sunday, October 07, 2007


Just a couple things:

I got into "Tis a Pity She's a Whore". The Friar's part, which is what they had me read for the most--good fire and brimestone and " no, thou shalt not fuck thy sister"-ing. Should be fun.

Last night (parents shudder!) a group of us hopped the fence by the sea and roamed around the castle (first built circa 700AD, this incarnation is mostly from the 1500's though). So there's my risk taking behavior for a little bit. And really, if one is going to go places one shoudln't, a medieval castle is not a bad place to go. Who hasn't wanted to storm a castle in the dead of night? Just thought that was soooo cool that I needed to share that.

The weekend is about to end and next week should be full-on classes and tutorials (seminars, which we havent had before). I've got two monday (philosophy and a psychology lab), and IR on thursday. Then the end of this week is auditions for the Fresher's Play, and I'll get to see how it is to sit on the other end of an audition table. I expect it to be satisfyingly sadistic, or sadistically satisfying, or something.


swallace said...

Storming a castle sounds much more interesting than urban roof-hopping, tho born of the same impulse I imagine. As I understand it, the challenge in casting school performances is not with the students, but the other directors all of whom want the same students. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

its a pity i can't send gondor your way for some castle storming!

tsonia said...

Shudder, shudder....

You're not kidding when you talk about religion at St. Andrews! Now they've making a friar out of you!

clare said...

congrats, brian! my character in dancing is also a frigid, bible-thumping bitch. on the outside, at least.