Thursday, November 22, 2007


Back into the week and absolute insanity. Rehearsals for my show, lectures, classes, the Freshers Debate (which I was involved in organizing) last night, and realizing "oh, right, its Rasin Weekend this weekend and I've got a lab writeup and Psychology exam on Monday".

Rasin Weekend is a tradition in which Sunday and Monday are absolutely crazy. 3rd and 4th years "adopt" 1st years to be their "academic children". They do various things with their kids (saw Elizabeth: The Golden Age with my "mum"'s side, been a lot of the debates and a play with my "dad"), which culminate in Rasin Weekend. On Sunday, you go to your mother's for "tea", often involving alcohol, and are given a "rasin string" to wear on your gown. After tea, your dad hosts a party and gives you your "rasin recipt", the largest, most cumbersome object they can find and write in Latin on. On Monday morning, lectures are cancelled and mothers wake you up around 8/9, dress you in costumes, and you carry your rasin recipt to the quad where there is a giant foam fight. Then, later that day, you turn in a psychology writeup and have an exam! Or maybe thats just me. Bitter? Nah.

But I'm really glad to get back into everything.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving/Raisin weekend.

Gobble Gobble Gobble from Sunny San Diego, you turkey.

Artdroid said...

I'm sure it was charming but something about it sounds dumb. Maybe it's because I don't know what it all means???

Anonymous said...

does this crazy making come from being repressed? or is it just surly youths with too much energy?

swallace said...

I remember at Santa Cruz, where it was warmer, having huge water fights... water balloons, buckets, etc. College students have to work off steam somehow!