Saturday, November 10, 2007

...or not.

So, no Egypt. Beurocratic stuff we didn't know about. Now we do. We will be so much the wiser.

I did have a great ride up watching the Scottish countryside, read pretty much the entirety of a novel required for IR, and wandered around Edinburgh for 40 minutes while waiting for a bus back. Not a complete waste....actually probably more productive than if I had stayed here.

What now? Maybe see if Robbie can show me around Glasgow--that'd be fun. Hang out in St Andrews. I do get the impression that I will be meeting people and making closer friendships staying here, since the student population is down by probably over half. William insists that I will meet the love of my life in this next week, and all because of not getting on that plane!


swallace said...

The old sayings can be useful... when given lemons, make lemonaide!

tsonia said...

Okay. So I want to know what's next. What was next, what will be next. How do you rebuild Alexandria? And for god's sake, what is going on in your life right now?

Your mother, obviously ready for another post.