Monday, November 24, 2008

These days have been a year

But a good year.

Sunday: went to a buddy's house and worked for 6 hours straight on a poster that was originally due next month and now is due this Tuesday (finished it! good think cause I've got 1984 and he's got track this mon/tues). Came home to find Sammy's rasin party well underway. I may have never seen so many types of alcohol. Drank an orgasmic mixture of coffee, hot chocolate, honey, sugar, milk, cinnamon and baileys, then switched to Long Island iced teas, the drink of the day. Stayed at ours for a while and then hit the resident drama party 10 minutes away. Re-connected with some new people from Narnia, talked 1984. Came back. Went to bed at 4 or 5 and...didn't fall asleep. I've never had insomnia like that before. Part nerves about setting up 1984 today (Monday) I'm sure. But only partly. Ended up sitting up from 6-9AM watching the Colbert Report and youtube videos and writing.

Today: 10AM-8PM 1984 lighting/set/makeup/dress-tech rehearsal. And it went well. Really well. I am feeling very pleased with it. I hope people come. Met my lighting person and 'minion' who helped make the set, will call cues, and probably take tickets. Aka stage manager on short notice, basically. Really cool people. Any my cast of course, who are getting in pre-show mode. It's amazing to watch..I'm sure I've seen it with every production, but each time it's beautiful. It's looking great, and we have literally a ton of newspapers. All audience risers are covered in them, as is most of the stage, stacked up. AND I recorded at least the first 40 minutes. I will have a record of this, goddammit.

Finished Laughable Loves by Kundera, a book of short stories. Some good stuff (particularly The Hitchhiker and Symposium), but I think I prefer the novels.

Made noodle/onion/cabbage/soysauce/mushroom soup for dinner. Very filling. I am tired now, but not extraordinarily so. It doesn't feel like I've been awake for 48 hours. Really looking forward to tomorrow. Feeling very calm, relaxed. Thinking about the future. Have a lot of thinking to do.


swallace said...

You tell an actor to "break a leg." What do you tell a director? Whatever it is, consider the wish sent!

tsonia said...

Hope it goes well tonight, sweetie.

Artdroid said...

Good luck with the performance. Oh - and don't drink so much. I'm telling you that not because I think you won't. But, because I want the fun of telling you I told you so in 20 years time - should I last that long.....:-) (teasing....just teasing.....mostly.....)