Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What a day

Bit tired. After an unexpectedly heavy night last night (chat in a friend's kitchen is defined as a 'quiet night' until the bottles of rum and vodka arrive) got up slightly before 8AM (unprecedented this year!) to go to the latest madness my actors in 1984 have inflicted on me: the breakfast rehearsal! 2 hours of bagels and Butoh...really good fun, and a fresh mindset. Feeling good about 1984, although the fact that we have 1.5 rehearsable weeks left and have yet to really block the show is a smidge worrying.

Then ran around for a bit, talking to loads of people and generally in a daze--got lots of stuff sorted on the forms for my production company, and should have an account by the week's end. Stubbornly went to my 1PM lecture rather than the start of dress rehearsal (didn't miss anything, as I expected...we weren't needed for a couple hours after call time) and had the first performance of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe! Went pretty well, packed house, and we made a little boy cry. So it's all good. It may be fiddling with my essay backstage (Thanks Mom! Mind if I send you another draft tomorrow?), but performing itself has become a little...less. A shift of priorities, perhaps, from acting to directing? Who knows. The aftershow rush was good as always.

Came home to dinner--hooray for flatmates! And I was planning on porridge...it's getting on in time and I'm stalling, wondering whether I have the energy to sit down for a serious crack at essaying or if I'll leave it to the morning. Morning, I think. Play a bit of The Witcher and get to bed. Sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

swallace said...

Blogging as a distraction from other work? I could think of worse distractions!