Sunday, November 02, 2008

I was writing an essay and feeling so productive that I had to blog!

Instead of writing the essay...

Decent weekend. Lots of rehearsals for The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, which goes up Tuesday and Wednesday and marks the official end of my academic career as the dress rehearsal and matinee show both take place at the EXACT same time as my lectures. So long, philosophy and SD, I barely knew ye... But seriously, it's a bit annoying, but should be fun. Also, offstage is brilliant speed-reading and note-taking-for-essay time. Who'd have thunk?

Going backwards then: made a pork roast tonight. Reminded me of Christmas--I got the roast because it had a half-off sticker on it and I thought it cost less than it did, but for a massive boneless slab of meat it actually ended up being quite cheap pound-to-kilogram. And tasty, for a first effort, nice and juicy. Mmmm.

Last night went and saw Call of Cthulu, a student-written show based on and HP Lovecraft novel. Had a 'total immersion' thing going on which was cool--the whole thing was presented as a lecture from a guest which devolved into madness and ended in the lecturer being shot and all of us being rushed out the building by the fake security. Kinda cool, though the 'lecture' itself was not completely inspired.

Halloween was decent enough. Went out and to a house party, but nothing inspired.

Been feeling like I have a lot of creative juices flowing lately. Equally, been exhausted. Reading Week can't come soon enough. Also been a bit lonely in an odd way...I don't think I understand it myself. I'm not sure how much I like the *me* that I am at St Andrews. I can't define the difference, only to say that I loved the *me* of Costa Rica, am used to my home-self (who has issues with boredom and purpose but that's mostly it), but I don't know about this incarnation. We'll see. Again, Reading Week should be good time. Have also discovered Tesco's value mulled wine in my wine skin from Spain is a Good Plan. Also, that constant consumption of tea, however weak, has the same effect as diesel fuel. Finally, spent a day away from the internet and nothing changed. I REALLY need to get back into doing that.


Anonymous said...

you know they say that it takes two years to truly know someone. perhaps next year you will know you.

swallace said...

The three you's. Interesting. What is it about the Costa Rica you that you particularly like?