Thursday, October 30, 2008

the downside to scheduling things... that I can't remember what day I did what. I take my responsibilities completely off my mind except when they occur, putting them down in a document, but then after the fact they haven't been in my mind so they don't stick in any chronological order. Not a problem, really, just an observation.

So, what did I do today? Re-wrote and sent off my report for the travel scholarship from this summer. Had an absolutely useless SD tutorial where we calculated our carbon footprint. Weeee flights. Nothing I haven't already done online. Nothing too much new...usual pretty good philosophy. Rehearsal for Narnia (fight scenes really coming along), gym for the first time since I've been ill, which put me in a somewhat better mood. Videochatted with Clare for the first time this year, which was really nice. Still need to catch cheolseung grrrr. It's late, so I'm not terribly coherent. Had an idea for doing the 'palmers' scene in Romeo and Juliet with text messages in a video focusing solely on the actor's project? I'm tired of theatre people drama and really like the main film guy (who will hopefully have something to display at 1984) so I might propose that to him. Never done film and might be a fun venture.

Meanwhile, my SD essay looms monolithic. I'm trying not to think about it with limited success. One thing at a time, though.

Watching the second half of "Drunken Master" before bed. Watched the first half last night. Comedy already, and the dubbing is so bad I think it might count as meta-comedy.


Anonymous said...

grrrrr too.

swallace said...

Looks like you are majoring in theater and doing University as an extracurricular activity ;-)