Thursday, October 02, 2008

How daily is this!

Updates on all the stuff I keep piling on myself:

Joined the St Andrews Ambassadors--essentially the people who show new people around. It's in the mornings before I have lectures, you can opt in or out of whatever dates you want, and it pays! Minimum wage, but in neat 3 hour chunks. So hopefully I'll be called a bit for that, though chances are I'll only do it a few times because loads of people signed up this year.

Did some auditions yesterday and (so far) have ended up in a Gilbert and Sullivan concert-show-thing. Don't know anything about it aside from the fact that its a staged concert, Opera I think, but I haven't sung in a year and am really looking forward to that. More updates to come. So I doubt I'll do any 'acting' this year but this should be a good excuse to sing, kind of like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe will be a great venue to do more stage combat than ever in my life (I swear I have 5+ fight scenes with various people).

Also had the first day of auditions for 1984/TROUPE (my outdoor theatre *thing*) yesterday and was really pleased--21 people showed up! For Doctor Despite Himself I ended up with I think 13 after 2 days of auditions and all sorts of asking favours of people to come audition at irregular times. So it looks live I've got options and interest as far as that goes, which is great. Though, in a burst of deep insight and wisdom I've scheduled todays auditions over my Philosophy lectures. Fortunately today should mostly be summary of Plato's Meno, so I'll just take good notes.

Sat in on the OneWorld society meeting last night. Decided, yeah, hippies really aren't my thing. Not in groups where they are "making a difference" at least.

For Sustainable Development I'll be doing an essay on technological fixes to global warming and a project on (our choice of topic) the effects of warfare (probably nuclear fallout, why not) on its surroundings. Looking forward to that. And Meno! Yeah, off to read it now.


tsonia said...

Congrats on the Gilbert and Sullivan thing, honey. You'll enjoy singing again and it's great that you were cast based on singing alone! Cool. And thanks for the updates!

tsonia said...

By the way, what's the status on your computer?

swallace said...

Figured out the permissions stuff yet for the street theater? If they give you grief, try to do it on a St A lawn that is next to a street!