Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sick again

Woke up this morning and went, "oh shit". My nose has been running all day and is a bit tired. Unfortunately I had 3-5 rehearsals for Narnia, 5 audition for Hamlet (next semester) and "5-8" (read, until 9.30 at least!) callbacks for Macbeth. Meh. Sickness and sitting about without much to do but not being able to leave in rehearsals/callbacks=not too fun.

On the other hand, rehearsal for 1984 last night went well, am happy with the people and energy. Got choreographed for three of fifty million fights for Narnia. Picked a book at the library called "Dangerous Misconceptions" because it was a cool title. It essentially is a historical look at birth control coupled with eugenics (guess what the author thinks about both?). So far at least the population and health aspects are interesting, as well as a look at how terms like "family planning" came into existence and the interactions between church, nation and race.

I'm having trouble thinking coherently right now so I'm going to have something hot and go to bed. I really should do laundry tomorrow...mmm we shall see.


tsonia said...

So sorry you're under the weather, honey. Hope you feel better soon. I made a beef-barley soup today -- your dad's in Mexico for the week. I had some for lunch but it was a little -- how do you say -- meh? Anyway, I added a little wine, hoping that will make it better. Wish I could share some with you! It might help your cold.

Lisa said...

See what happens when you run around with so much, your poor little nose follows!

You can always turn your underware inside out and get twice the use...

Love you.

Unknown said...

Seriously, take care of yourself! And be grateful you're nowhere near USC right now-- 130 students here have fallen ill with this freak highly contagious gastrointestinal virus.

No fun, man.

Artdroid said...

If it hangs on, don't tough it out and keep on going. Go see a doctor and make sure it isn't a strep throat. College types are always getting those. Yes - we can and all will laugh at Art's hypochondria - HA HA! - now do it anyway.

tsonia said...

Ha, ha. (I do find relief, however, in not always HAVING to be the mother! Because Art will do it for me!)