Friday, October 03, 2008


Friday night! Managed to be almost stereotypical, believe it or not. Today was fairly relaxed--got up at 9, went straight back to bed until 12.30, ran to my 1 o'clock lecture, met the Mermaids treasurer for show-talk (starting my own production company with a bank account and everything! snazzy!), went home, read Plato's Socrates's Apology for the afternoon (interspersed with eating, chatting, listening to Reggaeton, and getting groceries), went and auditioned for Titus Andronicus (I've got a callback for Macbeth but didn't get in to one of the a capella groups--sorted), watched a play of Alice in Wonderland with some people (psychadelic 60s inspired...started great, then got bogged down, literal, tedious and incoherent), got a book from the library on population control, got beans at Tescos, ran into Jim and Robbie and went out. And that is my complete day.

The weekend: Tomorrow, 2-5 fight scene choreography for 3 of my infinite Lion/Witch/Wardrobe fights, 5-5.30 training as one of the Regs ambassadors for my bit of part time employment, possibly going into the gym (with Jim!) after that, then 8PM rehearsal/getting together at my house for 1984, Regs anexxe party (possibly). Sunday 2-5 Lion/Witch/etc rehearsal, Macbeth callbacks. Ahhh might just keep this blog as a schedule planner!

I'm really enjoying the pace right now, we'll see when deadlines start coming up...but I think it'll be alright. Feels a bit more like my high school years, never a spare moment--but talking to loads of people, making new acquaintances and solidifying old ones. Reminded, going out with Robbie again, of how well we get on. Deciding to dedicate an hour or two a day for reading, no matter what--but we'll see how well I'm able to stick to that.

PS: Airlines--fantastic. Or is that just their employees?
PPS: The dollar, despite bedlam and the apocalypse, is at 1.83:1 with the pound! Not bad!


swallace said...

On NPR tonight Mom and I (separately) heard a story about a new production of Chekhov's Seagull opening on Broadway. Sounded interested and we both had thought that it would be fun to meet you and Choelseung in NYC over a long weekend to see it. Alas, even at 1.83:1 & a boondoggle it's a little out of range. Have fun with theater in St A.

tsonia said...

I also listened to a piece the other morning about multi-tasking by a research group. Their conclusion? People can't multi-task. They can switch between tasks fairly quickly, but there's no such thing in the human brain equivalent to multitasking. For some reason, it made me think of you.!

You sound busy but good. I do love how you throw yourself into life, my boy.

Artdroid said...

Ditto on the year abroad comments. I thought you were abroad.

Regarding "multi-tasking" - I think that here is no such thing as multitasking. There is just focus or "doing-many-things-poorly-at- once". "Multitasking" is a term that business managers came up with in the late nineties to try to squeeze the last drop of labor out of salaried people. If you watch people who are "multitasking", they actually seem pretty anxious and hysterical. People who are working quickly but calmly are actually focusing on one thing at a time and then shifting their focus to the next thing. Whether they are doing it fast or slow is a subjective judgement. The outcome or product usually will determine whether or not the speed and focus are/were optimum. Do you really want your doctor to be "multi-tasking" while talking to you.

Sorry to nitpick but I always love torpedoing this concept.