Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Had a good rehearsal today after a decent lecture. I'm torn between sticking to butoh incoherence and doing it as a straight-ish play. I think the butoh will win out. It's looking really cool, anyways. And it looks like we'll get some interest from other societies to be a part of it, which is cool. Ideally, I think I'd have an hour of show and an hour of speeches/slam poetry/etc...though maybe not on the same night. Could be alternate nights or something? Heh dunno, I'll figure it out. I think I'll be cutting out a lot of 1984, but I may yet succeed in making it poetry, which is my eventual goal.

Really need to read the first couple chapters of The Republic....uhhh must just start. Also, finishing the Phaedo. Damn reading...

1 comment:

swallace said...

Hummm. 1984 in butoh style, sounds like an interesting and even provocative approach!